Database Review

In games of infinite complexity, you gain the upper hand by being better than your competition at identifying what is essential to study.

We have combined Hand2Note and PIOsolver/MonkerSolver to create a complete map of GTO frequencies at every common node in the game tree, which we can overlay your stats onto.

This allows us to quickly identify any common node where you are deviating from equilibrium, for example, overfolding vs. double barrels or delay c-bets. We can also compare this data to population tendencies, and tell you if there are exploits that you are not capitalizing on.

The goal of this program is not only to increase your win rate, but also to save you time and energy by taking the guesswork out of your study routine. You’ll leave this consultation with a concise summary of your top leaks, and expert guidance on how to fix them.

1-on-1 voice call with Patrick, 60-90 minutes

What’s Included

  1. Overview of your river play (analysis of river folding/bluffing frequencies and value betting) with guidelines for population exploits on the river.

  2. Analysis of your flop/turn frequencies for all common nodes (bet, check, fold, call, raise) mapped against GTO frequencies (derived from PioSOLVER multi-flop aggregation reports).

  3. Population data for flop/turn frequencies (both reg and fish profiles) for pool exploits in all common nodes (bet, check, fold, call, raise).

  4. Analysis of your preflop frequencies mapped against GTO frequencies (derived from Monker Solver preflop sims).

  5. Population data for preflop frequencies (both reg and fish profiles).

  6. Overview of the your pool’s frequencies, including vs. Hero stats.

  7. Recording of consultation and written summary (including screenshots) of stat check and leaks.

  8. Follow-up Q&A support via email or Discord messenger.

Are you making the most of your study time?

Have you ever spent an hour or two procrastinating on your poker studies, only to finally get to work and think, “What the hell should I even study?”

You sit there for another ten minutes and your mind goes blank. You have some hands marked from yesterday’s session, but they don’t seem that interesting today. Then you remember about the poker course you bought that you haven’t finished yet. So you fire up a video, only to find yourself fast-forwarding though basic concepts you already know.

The problem is most poker coaching is produced for the mass market and is not personalized for your needs. It might work for the average player who is just starting out, but if you’re already an established winner, then you don’t need to be coached from the ground up. This is part of why it can be so hard to motivate yourself to study: deep down, you know you’re not studying effectively.

Instead, imagine starting your study sessions with a prioritized list of your top leaks, and a clear plan of action with resources for how to fix them. Here’s what your top leaks might look like:

Example database review summary (excerpt).

Whether you’re an seasoned veteran and you feel like you’ve hit your “study ceiling,” or you’re an up-and-coming pro and you just want to study as efficiently as possible, a comprehensive database review is the best place to start.


Put your stats into context

This consultation is different from other database review services because we don’t just tell you where you’re deviating from GTO.

For example, if a coach tells you that you’re overbluffing flop stabs without giving you any context about population tendencies, you might think this is a mistake that you should correct.

But what if I told you that the population tends to overfold vs. flop stabs? Check out this high-stakes data below:

PioSOLVER vs. High Stakes Regs: Check-fold and check-raise frequencies vs. flop stabs

The table above shows that high stakes regs tend to overfold vs. flop stabs (by 5-7%, depending on the bet size). Given this information, it becomes clear that your tendency to overbluff flop stabs is not a mistake in practice. In fact, you are actually exploiting your average opponent. That is not something you want to fix!

This database review is different because we give you data on how your opponents play in practice. We’ll tell you where you’re incorrectly deviating from GTO, and where you’re missing opportunities to exploit your pool, so that you know exactly what to study.


Take a sneak peek at our stat checker

Below, you can see a screenshot of one section of the stat checker for another student's preflop stats. 

If the student's (Hero) stats are marked blue, that means they are too passive at that node. If they are marked red, that means they are too aggressive at that node. 

As you can see in the Defense vs. Open Raise section, this student has a tendency to overfold their big blind vs. small open raise sizes (2.0-2.5 bb).

Preflop section (part 1 of 2) of the stat checker.


Compare your betting range to PioSOLVER

Our database reviews are unique in that we not only compare your action frequencies to GTO, we also compare your range composition to GTO.

Below, you can see our visualization of PioSOLVER’s range composition for turn double barrels as the in-position preflop raiser in single-raised pots (Button vs. Big Blind).

PioSOLVER betting range for single-raised pot in-position preflop raiser turn double barrel (button vs. big blind).

PioSOLVER check back range for single-raised pot in-position preflop raiser turn double barrel (button vs. big blind).

This allows us to make a direct, one-to-one comparison between your betting/checking range and PioSOLVER’s betting/checking range at common flop and turn nodes.

If you’re underbluffing or overbluffing in a certain scenario, we’ll be able to tell you exactly what part of your range is causing that to happen. For example, if you are not betting enough trash hands, low pairs, or semi-bluffs.

We can also tell you whether or not your deviation from equilibrium is incentivized by population tendencies, or whether you’re being naturally exploited by your opponents. For example, if you are underbluffing in a scenario where the population tendency is to overfold, then you are being naturally exploited.


Meet Patrick Howard

I’m Patrick Howard, the founder of Mobius Poker.

From 2019-2021, I was the head coach at Poker Detox Cash CFP, and I led the team to over $5M in profits during that period. One of our “secret weapons” at Poker Detox was our advanced database reviews for leak finding.

During my time as head coach, I personally did hundreds of these database reviews. I optimized our stat checker and learned all of the most common mistakes poker players make, and the how to fix them. Now I’d like to give that information to you.

I’ll help you find the mistakes you don’t realize you’re making, and give action steps for how to fix them. If you’re looking for more direction in your studies and specific feedback for how to improve your game, I'd be delighted to help.


Study smarter, not harder

Studying poker doesn’t have to be hard. You shouldn’t need to waste any more time trying to guess what you ought to work on.

We’ll give you the vision that you need to study in a smarter way, so that you can start your next study session with a prioritized list of your top leaks, and a clear plan of action for how to plug them.


1-on-1 voice call with Patrick, 60-90 minutes

Frequently Asked Questions

  • The more recent hands you have, the better. We suggest submitting all the hands you have played within the past year.

    We require a minimum sample size of 50,000 hands to ensure we have the proper sample size to look at all common flop and turn scenarios.

  • Most sites are compatible as long as you are tracking your volume with Hold’em Manager, PokerTracker, or Hand2Note, or you download your hand histories directly from the poker site.

    We will verify your hands are compatible before we confirm your consultation.

  • No. We will perform the stat check for you and deliver you a summary of your top leaks. The stat checker is not available for download.

  • Yes. A recording will be sent to you after the call, along with the written summary of your database review.

  • No. At this time, we are only accepting online cash game players for database reviews.